Sunday, 22 March 2015

Blog post 2

Turns out that the cellar I was in, I wasn’t invited into. Lets just say there was some hitting (them) and some running (me) involved. I ran. On, and on, and on before finally resting with my back against a hard Taiwania tree. The bark smelling so natural and fresh that I just wanted to drift! I will not drift off. I am not going to drift off. I do not want to be late to meet my friends! I wish that the China that was conquered by the Mongols, would be just like the China it was before the Mongols took over. As my mother used to say: Those 懊惱 Mongols, (those annoying mongols...well, maybe she didn’t say exactly that). Some time later I wake up back against the tree, and I realize I haven’t eaten in 2 days! That shows how poor I am. I walk for a while until I feel gravel crunching beneath my feet. Now you might be pondering those “friends” I have, and I don’t blame you. I live with those friends, actually. One might say we are almost like family. A family of thieves that is. I walk to the side of the road and dive into the bushes when I think nobody is watching. I see Chao walking toward me. We exchange hellos, and set off to find Fen. We find her and start our trek to the silk road. It didn’t take long. Fen said if we kept living like this, we would become soft. Chao and I laughed and said that she would never be soft, ever. We made it to the main road, and found the first merchant selling food. We bought the three bowls of rice with the money we just recently stole from an innocent passerby. We ate our rice in companionable silence.

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